Event producers are growing in their capacity to create events for an ever-changing 2021, but there’s one thing we know isn’t going anywhere: hybrid events. A tasteful mix of in-person experiences, speakers, and activities complimented in time with a virtual component has done wonders for our industry and audiences from all over the world are leaning in more and more. There hasn’t just been an unprecedented level of innovation, cooperation, and productivity, but a growing list of perks to the hybrid model than most event producers even realize. In shed some light on this growingly essential event type, Wizard Studios is happy to share just why you should be considering “going hybrid” this year and beyond. 


  • The Essentials of the Hybrid Event

To those who may need a quick refresher, a hybrid event is exactly that: a hybrid of both in-person and virtual events. It’s a combination of well-executed performances, speakers, and gatherings that connect to and engage with a highly engaged virtual audience. 

But, event producers are hesitant to get too deep into this because the common misconception is that it requires double the work, asking event professionals to simultaneously create a virtual event and an entirely unique in-person event. But as we’ve discussed on our blog before, it’s helpful to think about this more like a venn diagram than two separate circles. You’re broadcasting the same message, highlighting the same great speaker, reaching the same expansive audience - just in two different ways. You’re figuring out the venue, the set design, the physical audience, etc., for the in-person side of the event, and you’re also addressing what technology, how you’ll stage manage and broadcast this, etc., for the virtual part of the event. 

If this feels like a lot, there are amazing event production companies that are equipped to create exceptional hybrid events and manage them from start to finish. Trust in the professionals and they can cover all you’ll need to make your event an enormous success.


  • Increased Reach and Attendance

If your event has an online component, you can have attendees attend from all over the world with limitless seating. It’s like having an enormous performance venue that stretches to the moon, and you don’t have to worry about cleaning up! 

But in all seriousness, one of the major perks of a hybrid model is the extraordinary reach that is possible with a virtual component. Depending on how people feel about attending in-person (for safety reasons, travel, etc.), you’re inviting them in and making them feel like they’re part of the experience. 

In addition, did you know that 72% of corporate sponsors are interested in participating in a hybrid event, as long as they can effectively reach both audiences? Monetizing your hybrid event could mean bringing in sponsors from anywhere in the world. Your consumer base could be expanding to places you had never thought possible, and you’re not limited to venue size or COVID restrictions/social distancing. Connect to a larger global marketplace and see firsthand how exciting the possibilities are!


  • Unprecedented Levels of Engagement 

Engagement has always been on the minds of event producers, but after 2020, event producers, live streaming services, and virtual event hosts have been thinking about this question day and night (Wizard Studios, included!), so hybrid events have years of knowledge to lean on.

Engagement could be gamified with live Q&As, attendees could have personalized happy hours with breakout rooms that connect them to an event’s speakers or presenters, or virtual attendees could tune in through social media channels and specific hashtags. The list of engagement options grows each and every day, and depending on how you’d like to engage your audience, there’s truly nothing you can't do!


  • Easy to “Go Green” 

One of the silver linings of this wild year has been an extraordinary decrease in carbon emissions. Flying and driving has plummeted, and with more people putting their time and money towards environmentally-friendly initiatives and businesses, event producers would be wise to see that consumers want to work with companies whose socially-conscious values they can get behind. 

That being said, consider a hybrid model for the good of the Earth. Consider ways to use recycled materials at your in-person event, encourage recycling at green initiatives at and during your event, and offer a digital component for those attendees that want to personally ensure they’re reducing their carbon footprint.

  • Cost-Effective for Everyone

The work-from-home model has been the norm for over a year now, and many companies have decided to have employees work remotely forever! Keeping that thought in mind, consider how much money you can save by reducing the cost of travel for your attendees and for your crew and sponsors.

In addition, there’s also an increasing adaptability with virtual management as many AV crews are adept at virtual broadcasting, so not only are they saving money, but you are too! Throw in virtual sponsors and virtual attendees, and your costs can shrink and ROI can skyrocket. Talk about a win-win!


  • Valuable Data & Content - and even more ROI

With a hybrid event, everything is recorded which means that your marketing pipeline, social media, and everything in-between will have feedback, video, pictures, and stories to share for months to come. If one particular workshop performed better than another, see how you can expand upon it. If people are sharing a particular post from that event on social media, see how it can be embedded into the next one.

Similarly, with a digital component, you can get real-time data at every moment of an event and recycle the technology, methods, and moments that worked. In this sense, you’re not reinventing the wheel for every hybrid event, but taking the hard work you did earlier and simply reframing it to fit the needs of your upcoming event.

The future of events is rich with hybrid opportunities, and Wizard Studios has the experience and wherewithal to create solutions that both inspire and engage. If you’re interested in transforming your next gathering into an unmatched hybrid success, contact Wizard Studios today!


