Event professionals have a buoyancy about them that is truly unique to their profession. Other jobs may require flexibility, but event professionals have to exceedingly be on top of small, minute changes that could throw their entire event in a different direction. Needless to say, it requires a very special person to be successful in the events world, especially after such a trying year.

If you’re looking for a role model for this type of solutions-oriented buoyancy, look no further than Wizard Studios’ very own Project Manager for Creative Services, Jonathan Yianilos. More warmly known as “Yiani” to his colleagues, this creative mastermind has been crafting unique and artistic solutions since his first day on the job. We sat down with Yianilos to learn a little bit about how his brain works, and see how professionals - inside and outside of the events world - could benefit from sharing his perspective!


  • Creativity Embedded at Every Angle

“I lead and manage the creative process,” Yianilos says, defining his job with a smile. “First, we brainstorm, talk, write, and sketch. Then, we draw, budget, plan, and build. Finally, we install or deliver an impactful environment or an art object.”

You’d think from the way he describes it that his work was formulaic, like a typical list of to do’s. But his resolve and groundedness matches that of Stephen Hawking describing the complexities of the universe: he may be an expert at summarizing it, but there’s so much understanding of the creative process that those outside of the artistic mindset would be absolutely floored.

And it makes sense: his background in creativity began at Washington University where he studied both Art and Architecture, on the sole pursuit of finessing and defining his creative spirit. “After sculpting, painting, and building - even singing my way through  childhood and adolescence  - it became clear that art was my only option.” From there came carpentry. “I also worked at two wood shops while in university and learned how to properly use and maintain a versatile workshop.”

After school, Yianilos made his way in the working world. “I really cut my teeth as the Operations Manager of a sculpture studio in Williamsburg, Brooklyn,” he recalls, “learning that making can be personally fulfilling, even when it is collaborative - and sometimes even more so.” He helped manage various stages of the installation and fabrication of highly detailed sculpture in both marble and stone. 

But then things changed: “Looking back, I now see that preparing the studio for a collector visit was my first foray into events, experiential marketing, and experience engineering. After three years of making things with money and emails, I missed the hands on making experience and enjoyed three years as a freelance lead carpenter bouncing around from shop to shop,” eventually landing a position at Wizard Studios. This perspective of understanding himself within his professional journey has made him an integral part of the Wizard Studios team, offering solutions that are outside of himself and his organization, and aiding others in defining their own creative spirit and drive.


  • What Stands Out with Wizard Studios?

Simply put, creativity and collaboration. Reflecting on his time at Wizard Studios, Yianilos has one particular project come to mind: “Building a scale replica of a subway train car for The Teak Foundation.” 

This custom fabrication is truly awe-inspiring. Not only is it the size, length, and width of a New York City subway train, but when you see inside it, you would assume it was sitting on the tracks, about to start moving. The attention to detail is absolutely extraordinary. But what made it so fulfilling for Yianilos? The creative process and the people behind it. “We had a modest budget but made it work -  even better than if we had been given a million bucks. It was beautiful. And what stands out to me most about it is the wonderful group of people that assembled to make it.” He smiles deeply. “It was lightning in a bottle.” 


  • So, How Do We Keep That Creativity and Collaboration Alive in 2021? 

Yianilos thinks for a moment, and responds meaningfully: “By being open.” There is no event professional, business leader, parent, or human being that hasn’t been forced to be flexible and open during this hectic time. Strangely enough, it’s exactly what Yianilos describes as foundational to his work: being open to new solutions. “That is all we do in our Creative Services department: we make complicated things simple and we transform vague notions into high resolution reality.”

Yianilos is a powerhouse project manager and creative solutions pro with a speciality in putting the humor and collaboration back in his work. With the return of in-person events, we asked him what advice he’d give to the world, and in true Yiani fashion, his response is, “Tip your server well.” Oh, and we’d be remiss if we didn’t mention his more humorous solution to Zoom fatigue: 


If you’re looking to leverage Yianilos’s expertise, wisdom, and creativity, contact Wizard Studios today to help you create the custom fabrication and event of a lifetime! 


