Behind every thriving business is a series of marketing strategies. Although digital marketing is vital in today’s technology-driven world, experiential marketing gives companies the best opportunity to connect with consumers. Wizard Studios is in the business of connecting people to each other by offering unique and unforgettable experiences. We’re here to share with you why we think your business needs to invest in experiential marketing. 

So, what is experiential marketing? 

Experiential marketing, also known as event marketing, is a strategy that uses experiences to share your company’s products, services, and mission with customers. It is a unique strategy that engages your target audience more viscerally through interactive experiences. Audiences generally feel more connected to brands that offer experiential marketing. Read on to learn why you need to invest in an experiential marketing agency in New York City and how collaborating with Wizard Studios will bring your event grand success!


With traditional marketing methods, targeted audiences are passive recipients of companies’ content and messages. With experiential marketing, brands directly engage with their audiences, allowing businesses to forge relationships with consumers and thus, increase brand awareness. 

Brand awareness goes far beyond just recognition of a brand. Audiences want to know the people behind the company. They want to hear their stories, values, and mission. Experiential marketing tactics act as the link that connects the brand to the audience. Marketing through event experiences provides a unique opportunity for companies to communicate with consumers in a more personal way. Once this authentic relationship is established, brands acquire loyalty, and that loyalty expands to new consumers taking note. This ultimately leads to high rewards for both the company and the consumer. 


How does experiential marketing relate to other forms of marketing?

As stated earlier, other forms of marketing can be successful, but they can be further enhanced when combined with experiential marketing. Experiential marketing strengthens other marketing strategies, such as:

  • Word-of-mouth Marketing

  • Digital Marketing

When used right, word-of-mouth marketing can be a very powerful tool. After guests use a product or attend an event, they often tell their friends and family about it. This means that experiential marketing leads to word-of-mouth marketing. Their experience at your event furthers your efforts way beyond the event itself. Top experiential marketing agencies guarantee that your audience will be sharing their experience with others almost immediately after your unforgettable event via word-of-mouth! 


Experiential marketing has also made digital marketing an even more powerful tool. In this technology-driven era, digital marketing is known to be one of the most powerful marketing strategies. Much like word-of-mouth, it’s almost a guarantee that you will find out about what events people have been to from their social media pages, emails, websites, or blogs. Event marketing ultimately leads to subtle forms of digital marketing. Here’s an example of experiential marketing and how it works: 

You’ve hosted an unforgettable event for your new product launch. Your guests have had the night of their lives and can’t wait to share what they learned about your company’s new product, so they go home and get to work instantly. They post photos, videos, and hashtags used from your event. Now your brand starts to pop up through the use of social media algorithms, and you suddenly get more followers AND more consumers visiting your website and buying your products. 

You can see how the combination of experiential marketing and digital marketing has become a tour-de-force. Encourage your guests to capture and share content with your event’s hashtag, and we know you’ll see the benefits! 


It may seem obvious, but we would be remiss if we didn’t mention how an amazing event can enhance your company’s image. With special lighting, food, and entertainment, experiential marketing has been proven to bring about more positivity than any other form of marketing. Events give businesses the opportunity to make amazing impressions on their guests. From custom builds and art installations to catering and entertainment, guests are sure to remember your brand, more than if they just hopped in a store. This is where the experts at Wizard Studios come in. Consider us an event production company AND experiential marketing company. Our team can create a number of showstopping elements that will take your event to the next level, including custom fabrications and builds, installations, LED lights, and so much more. Check out all of our wonderful capabilities here! We care passionately about delivering your brand's message with an impression on your audience they’ll never forget.


Authenticity is key in both the event and marketing industries. As you could probably assume, authenticity can be very challenging when it comes to advertising for a number of reasons. Traditionally, most advertisements are impersonal and generic. So how do form authentic relationships with clients and attendees? Try marketing a campaign through an event or series of events and see the major difference for yourself! With experiential marketing, brands have the opportunity to engage directly with their customers. This humanizes the company. They allow guests to experience authenticity and connection from the brands. Consumers crave experiences, authenticity, and connection, and experiential marketing gives them just that. Here are a few quick tips to make your events authentic:

  • Know your audience and create your event for them

  • Don’t set “branding” as the core focus

  • Incorporate interactive technology to turn attendees into active participants

  • Highlight sponsors, guests speakers, and entertainment who share the same values and mission

  • Make your team and your guests feel appreciated

  • Spend your budget on the things that matter

To learn more about how you can create authentic events by using human connection as the foundation of every event, read our blog, “Human Connection Should Be At The Core of Every Event.” 


It’s important for businesses to stand out, and experiential marketing gives the opportunity for brands to do so. Audiences not only have the chance to discover and buy products or services but more importantly, they experience all that the company is about. Relationships with customers emerge through memorable and unique experiences, furthering brand loyalty and awareness. Wizard Studios’s team of experts will take your event to a whole new level. Are you ready to take your business to new heights with experiential marketing? Work with the top experiential marketing agency in NYC and contact Wizard Studios today!


