Event producers have always known that high quality sound engineering is crucial to a successful event, be it in-person, virtual, or a hybrid of the two, and that only continues to be true. We asked our very own Shin Kanemitsu, Project Manager and Audio Lead at Wizard Studios, to show us how the best in the business inspires unrivaled audio success with every event he produces! 


  • Humility at His Core

Diving into the world of what Kanemitsu’s day to day work life consists of, he smiles and tells us that as an Audio Tech, he’s “the one pushing the buttons and moving faders to make the sound louder so the audiences can hear what’s going on.” But like so many of the experts that make up the staff of Wizard Studios, he carries a quiet sense of calm about him with a masterful understanding of how to make the audio perfect for a myriad of events.


  • Bringing High-Quality Sound to a World at Home

Our world was quick to pivot online when the pandemic hit, and audio techs and sound engineers had to move quickly to ensure that the quality of sound production was the same across multiple platforms, devices, and time zones. Between entirely virtual events, hybrid events, or the slow return of in-person events, Kanemitsu tells us that it’s “essentially it is the same concept but the output destination increases as it is not only to the audience in the same room.” After taking a moment to reflect, he shares how he has to “think and imagine what devices the audiences are connecting to and with, considering how they’re using them, and mixing it well. It can be hard to deliver the same quality audio to each individual as each person has different devices to connect to the show, and the quality can vary in many ways in-between.” And yet through this all, Kanemitsu provides top-notch audio for each and every event Wizard Studios creates.

Looking back on the past 16 months, Kanemitsu recalls Wizard Studios’ first drive-in graduation at near the beginning of the pandemic. “The graduation was somewhat solid, but manageable at the same time, sound-wise.” But then his eyes lit up remembering working on Biden’s election campaign. “The very first event we did was for the presidential campaign, and it was a hybrid between a few passes on sight plus an online stream.” Because it was so early on in the pandemic, Kanemitsu admits that he was working hard to create a solution that hadn’t exactly existed yet, and he “wasn't entirely aware how the virtual outcome would be,”  but luckily “it was a success so we could go on!” 


  • What are The Lessons Learned of the Past Year?

“I learned how to stay calm(ish) during the time when your anxiety feeds your thoughts,” Kanemitsu shares. Event producers know that sound is something that is ethereal to the rest of an event: if it all goes well, audiences don’t even realize it’s there. They simply listen. But if there’s even one small glitch in regards to sound, everyone notices immediately. That means there’s a lot of pressure put on Kanemitsu at every moment of an event. Luckily, he’s got a team to back him up and ensure everything falls into place so he can do his job as well. “Staying calm helps in any work environment, especially if it’s a tough situation that drives you a little crazy” - and we all know that’s certainly what the pandemic was for all of us! 

But lastly, Kanemitsu accredits his success to his colleagues and peers at Wizard Studios. “The team we have is the best supporting team I could ever have asked for,” he says humbly. “How we all care for each other is something else.”

 Shin Kanemitsu is an extraordinary event producer and audio tech pro with a speciality in ensuring every detail comes together perfectly. In the aftermath of COVID, his job has taken on a new dimension and he has not faltered in creating unrivaled results for his clients and attendees, be it in-person or in the digital world. If you’re looking to leverage Kanemitsu’s expertise and wisdom, contact Wizard Studios today to help you create the event of a lifetime! 


