One of the major silver linings of pivoting in the virtual world is that an event’s reach is close to limitless. Instead of having your audiences worry about hotel accommodations, airfare, and guest lists, a well-executed virtual or hybrid event offers a new level of accessibility. Especially with the right event tech on your side, you can accommodate for an enormous spike in participants and audience size, especially from attendees from all over the globe.

That being said, are you doing everything you can to ensure your event is accessible to attendees who may not speak English? Needless to say, offering content in an array of different languages is a huge win for both event producers, your audience, and your brand overall. Wizard Studios has been focusing on accessibility for as long as we’ve been around, and we have some tips as to how to ensure accessibility  - especially in regards to language - is taken to the next level!


Interpretation Vs. Translation

Before we jump into this, let’s clarify a few things: interpretation is not the same as translation. Translation is in reference to translating written text, but interpretation moves into the spoken word. In a conference or event setting, you could have translation services pop up like closed captioning. Or, you could ensure that the thoughts and ideas are appropriately captured in how it’s spoken, and that’s what we’re getting at with interpretation.


Give Space for a Multilingual Dialogue

You don’t need us to tell you that giving people the room to connect at an event is one of the richest and most fruitful benefits an event can offer. Especially with a powerhouse speaker engaging in a meaningful dialogue, an event can leverage language to spark change, alter peoples’ mindsets, and leave attendees in awe. That being said, have you created room for a fully interpreted, multilingual dialogue?

We’re aiming for a morally- and socially-sound event with every gathering we work on, and the way to do that is making sure the language spoken is understood by every individual attending. And this is where interpreters can come in.

Not only does it allow your speakers to be heard, but it gives every participant the room to share their ideas in a language they're proficient in. Win-win for all. 

Leverage the Experts - Virtually!

Not only do virtual events allow attendees to participate from all over the world - virtual events also allow you to leverage experts in their fields from all over the world. This is a wonderful way to not only diversify your vendors (which is undoubtedly better for your organization, your events, your audience, and our world), but it fosters inclusivity on a very genuine and human level. It allows you to “walk the walk” of ensuring that accessibility finds its way into your event and where/how you’re spending your money.  

Secondly, app interpreters add a human and lived experience to your interpreters, allowing highly-trained professionals and native language learners to play a role in reaching an audience you may not have touched otherwise!

Technology as a Solution

Let’s be clear: if you’re working on a large global landscape in which your audience may speak many different languages, technology that translates or interprets may very well be a suitable solution. The important thing is that you’re working hard to ensure every event you produce has the capacity to invite participants to engage in a dialogue that’s most comfortable for them. In this sense, any solution you can create that does that is a win.


The future of events is rich with opportunities to grow and better ourselves as people and as organizations. Inclusivity, especially in regards to language, is at the core of Wizard Studios, as we’ve been creating solutions that inspire and engage with humanity at the center. If you’re interested in transforming your next gathering into an extraordinary gathering, rich with opportunities to better foster inclusivity, be sure to contact Wizard Studios today!


