In normal times, the never-ending list of things event producers and event production companies have to think about is mind-blowing. Now, throw in a global pandemic. Now, mix in some ever-changing CDC guidelines, vaccinations, and the changing of seasons. Needless to say, it’s a lot. But nothing that an exceptional Director of Operations can’t handle! We asked our very own Director of Operations at Wizard Studios, Rebecca Abernathy, how she and her team are able to bring every element of an event together under close to impossible circumstances and make Wizard Studios magic happen every time!


  • What Do You Contribute to the Operation Team’s Success?

“A lot of patience and a lot of flexibility,” Abernathy told us, but she then took a moment to consider the question further as the individual leading her team. “I am a naturally very logical and organized person, which is extremely important too.” And she’s more right than you could imagine. As Director of Operations, her job requires eyes on every piece of equipment, every operation, and every human being working on an event.

She described how closely she works to keep communication clear, open, and efficient between Wizards' Operations and Production teams, always ensuring that what we’re bringing is always in alignment with the client’s vision. “It is my responsibility to make sure that all of our equipment is accounted for and arrives at the events on time, and in working order.” Simply put, “I work to make sure the client always gets what they need.”


  • How Does the Operations Team Bring Clients’ Creative Visions to life?

 “Operations also serve the Production and Creative Services team as well as our clients,” Abernathy describes. “We make sure that they have all the supplies or special gear they need to make the client’s creative vision come to life.”

If you’ve ever seen a stage play or musical, you know that there’s a lot going on behind the scenes that we, as an audience, aren’t privy to. Abernathy’s day-to-day is the metaphorical stage manager of the play, making sure everything is where it needs to be - but in this case, it’s throughout the creative and production processes. “If we have built something great for the client and they want to keep it, the Operations team will store it safely until the next use.” Or, in other words, “We assure that vision gets delivered and picked up from the event with perfect precision.” 


  •  You’ve Played a Role in Wizard Studios’ “Optimize Optics.” Can You Talk About How You’ve Aided That?

“As Vidal Sasson said, ‘If you don’t look good, we don’t look good.’” Abernathy says with a laugh. “Wizard Studios wants our clients to look the best to their guests so we want to look the best for our clients. This means delivering clean gear in clean cases in clean trucks by people in the required dress code.  By starting off with these optics, we are on our way to delivering a great event for our client and their guest.”

Abernathy hasn’t just heightened the overall aesthetic of the Operations and Production process, she’s bringing her hyperfocus to make systematic organizational changes within the company’s practices as well. To begin, she’s helped reorganize Wizard Studios’ entire warehouse, creating organized practices with a new clean look. In regards to the warehouse, a huge part of the Wizard Studios process, “after a busy campaign season, it really needed some TLC!” she said with a smile.

“Our team has been giving our road cases a good cleaning as we color code and label them all.  This not only helps to optimize optics but will make our teams in the field be more efficient.” Talk about an organizational win-win!


  • As a Woman in a Male-Dominated Field, Are There Any Specific Challenges You Face or Changes You’d Like to See?

Abernathy thoughtfully reflects, saying “personally, I don’t see that many challenges day-to-day as a woman in the event production industry. When I meet a new person I can get some condescending tones from some men.  However, I move on with a smile and let my work speak for itself and that tone usually fades away.”

But for the changes she’d like to see, it begins with creating a world that encourages more women to get involved, especially in tech. “There are very few women audio, video, and lighting technicians, and it may be because they don’t know those types of jobs exist for them. I would love to see some kind of outreach program for more women to learn these trades.” 

Thoughtful, diligent, and highly organized, Abernathy models every day how intelligent and capable she is in her role of Director of Operations, inspiring the next generation of women to get involved in the events industry! Especially in the aftermath of COVID, her job has taken on a new dimension of problem-solving, but she has not faltered in creating innovative solutions for both Wizard Studios’ team and our clients!

If you’re looking to leverage Abernathy’s expertise and wisdom, contact Wizard Studios today!


