We live in a world that requires meaningful change consistently, and we all have a role to play in making that change happen. For those of us in the event industry, we have a duty to our attendees, our vendors, our speakers, and our wider audience that inclusivity is not just talked about, but felt at every level. 

Wizard Studios has always taken great pride in “walking the walk,” and not just “talking the talk,” ensuring that we embody the types of changes we look for in the world, with the hope to inspire other event organizations to do the same. Read on to see how you can better foster inclusivity, celebrate diversity, and create events that truly make our world a more open and accepting place.


  • Build a Diverse Team

Most event production companies look to foster inclusion in their events, but are likely not turning their perspective where it needs it the most: their own team. Take a moment to reflect on the individuals that make up your day-to-day workings. There is truly no better way to start embodying diversity in our industry than from the inside out.


The more diverse and multicultural your team, the better for your organization, your events, and your audiences. To begin, it fosters inclusivity on a very genuine level, as you can seek out the unique and important perspective of voices from different backgrounds and experiences, helping your organization expand its reach and grow in its humanity. And secondly, it moves your organization away from a strictly performative sense of diversity and inclusion, always keeping inclusion at arm’s length, and not allowing it to be an important highlight of your company. Want to make sure you stay on track towards these important goals? Consider appointing someone as an Event Inclusivity Champion or Diversity Coordinator to ensure all internal and external practices embody the sense of inclusion that your company, and our world, is aiming for.


  • Feature and Celebrate Diverse Speakers

Representation matters. Who you give the microphone to matters. Who your audience hears from, who you promote as a featured speaker, and whose perspective your event is choosing to highlight matters. This is an important first step in fostering inclusivity in the events world, because your choice of speaker says a lot about what your event is prioritizing. 

We are doing away with “manels” (male-only panels), and for good reason: your audience has signed up because they want to learn, grow, and get a new perspective on an important issue. Especially with so many extraordinarily bright individuals and so many wonderful resources to find them online, there’s no excuse to not work to diversify your panel and give plenty of room so these voices can be heard.

But, let’s make one important here: do not “tokenize” your panel. Our world - and your audience - will be able to see through the mediocre efforts of putting one or two people of color on your panel with the sole job of speaking about diversity. This is not what we are referring to at all. These efforts come off as hypocritical and out-of-touch with reality; they provide lip service to a good cause and actually move the efforts of our world backwards. Your job is to make everyone feel welcome, and this includes your speakers, the emcee, and everyone in-between. Allow these amazing individuals to speak about what they choose to speak about - period.


  • Accessibility for All (including Economically!)

Our world has a lot of growing pains to work through in regards to fostering more inclusivity, but let’s get one thing straight: accessibility is not the same as inclusivity. It’s a part of inclusivity, and by denying accessibility, you are certainly denying and minimizing your event’s inclusivity. Luckily, The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) has created an event organizer’s list of guidelines that can help you ensure your event is as friendly to disabled attendees as able-bodied attendees. These include things such as allowing service animals, hiring a sign language interpreter, and also training your staff to have the skills to speak with disabled people and offer assistance if needed.

Accessibility can also mean financial accessibility. There could be countless individuals that would not only benefit from your event, but also really want to attend, but can’t afford it. Consider offering event scholarships or reduced ticket prices for students or those who may have been directly affected by COVID-19. Or, consider a tiered ticketing system that gives access to individuals depending on what they can afford to pay. These small changes can go a long way!


  • Inclusivity in Food Options

What could be more individualized for people than their food choices? And no, we’re not talking about how everyone orders a different sandwich at Subway (although that is a good metaphor for what we’re talking about). People have all different reasons for choosing to eat the food they consume: it may be religious, it may be linked to their lifestyle, they might have a particular allergy, they might be health-conscious, etc. Any event that offers food options must be conscious of how it can best prepare and prevent its food to ensure all feel like they have something to enjoy.

Challenge yourself to go beyond simply offering one meal and a vegetarian option. Consider the religious calendars and the dietary restrictions that your attendees may be following. Considering how you can offer nut-free, gluten-free, or dairy-free food. Consider the difference between vegetarian and vegan options. And so much more. Food is important to your attendees’ experience, and every little detail helps invest them into your organization and the event you’ve created for them.

The future of events is rich with opportunities to grow and better ourselves as people and as organizations. Inclusivity is at the core of Wizard Studios, as we’ve been creating solutions that inspire and engage with humanity at the center. If you’re interested in transforming your next gathering into an extraordinary gathering, rich with opportunities to better foster inclusivity, be sure to contact Wizard Studios today!


