Event producers have a lot to think about when creating spectacular events. They have to be realistic but creative, and assertive but sensitive. Almost like magic, live event production companies, like Wizard Studios, use stages, custom fabrications, lighting, and sound to create a cultivated experience that leaves your guests in awe and filled to the brim with inspiration. 

 But have you ever thought about your event’s emotional intelligence, or EQ (emotional quotient)? EQ undoubtedly helps you to deal with the everyday stresses of live event production. It is what grounds us and calms us when high stress arises. EQ is valuable, and it can help events become so much more successful for event producers, organizers, or hosts. It encourages deep interaction between colleagues and customers and creates positive energy throughout your event. There’s an emotional awareness that we all share with one another and it’s time to focus on it. Read on to see how you can increase your event’s EQ!



What is mindfulness? It is the mental state achieved by focusing one's awareness on the present moment. The goal is to calmly acknowledge and accept one's feelings and thoughts. Building your emotional intelligence through mindfulness will inevitably access and process those emotions in positive ways. The events you host and produce will become more effective, meaningful, and empathetic. A higher emotional capacity led by mindfulness keeps stress levels low and your problem-solving skills sharp. You’ll be better equipped to prevent an issue from developing into a crisis while keeping calm.


This is the glass-half-full approach. We know that this isn’t always easy, and toxic positivity is definitely something we don’t encourage. It’s okay to get stressed out when something isn’t going as planned or frustrated that something isn’t done on time. While it can be challenging at times, be mindful and notice when you become more prone to negativity. This will show up more as complaining or getting angry, instead of problem-solving. Here are some great ways to help you become a more optimistic person:

  • Listen to Happiness Podcasts (check out this list from Oprah Daily)

  • Read “Feel Good” Books

  • Listen to Joyful Music

  • Surround Yourself with Positive People



We know that a lack of mobility and movement can lead to significant health consequences. Studies continue to show that sustained sitting increases your risk of chronic health problems such as heart disease, diabetes, and some cancers. A lack of movement can also be detrimental to our mental health and emotional well-being. 

Any event, in-person or virtual, would benefit from periodic breaks. Give your guests some time to stand, stretch, and move their legs. Better yet, include an activity or area like a dance floor to promote movement. We love working in venues that have both indoor and outdoor areas because we know what a little bit of fresh air and sunshine can do for us. We guarantee your attendees will feel refreshed and all the more ready to enjoy the rest your event has to offer.



Much like including more movement, there are some other ways to embrace mental wellness at events. Incorporate some of these tips to help your guests have the best experience possible at events:

  • Background music: Music has such an effect on the mind and body and is so important to include at all events. If you’re interested in learning more about the effects music has on us, check out this study that Columbia University did on neuromusicology.

  • Breakout areas: With more awareness of guests who are neurodivergent, having a quiet area for them to go and take a moment will show how empathetic and inclusive your event is.

  • Color Scheme: We know that incorporating blues will create a calm environment and yellows aid in creativity. Search what colors promote the outcome you want your event to have on your guests.

  • Fresh air: Host an event outside or map out a designated safe location for your guests to get some fresh air relief. 


This is increasingly important in today’s challenging world. Many people are going through emotional turmoil and finding it hard to cope, and you should be looking for signs of this throughout your relationships. As an empathetic event planner, you will look at each event through a different prism. You will make sure that your motives are clear, your objectives are fair, and that you take the needs and wants of everyone else into account at each planning stage.



CSR or Corporate Social Responsibility doesn’t mean simply donating to charities, although that can be a major part of it! CSR is about ensuring that your event’s planning, execution, and aftermath are all better for your attendees and your employees. No event exists in a bubble, and event production companies need to be aware of the whole world, at large.

Here are a few great strategies to prioritize your event’s CSR: 

  • Source Food Locally: Supporting local businesses and farms is not only good for your community, but it also ensures that less fossil fuels are being created due to food travel.

  • Hire Diverse Vendors: There are so many jobs that must be done in order for an event to be a success: florists, chefs, entertainers, speakers, AV crews, etc. Commit to collaborating with diverse vendors. We like to promote small businesses owned and run by people of color, women, those that identify as LBGTQ+, or other marginalized groups. Check out our blog, 4 Ways to Support Diverse Vendors for more information!

  • Community Service: Networking is important. Instead of a happy hour, what if your attendees got to know one another through a community service project? These events may seem more possible through volunteer work, but there’s plenty of work to be done in the virtual world as well. Earn a heartfelt reputation with your attendees while also helping your community. 


The future of events is rich with opportunities to grow and better ourselves as people and organizations. Emotional Intelligence is at the core of Wizard Studios, as we’ve been creating solutions that inspire and engage with people at the center. If you’re interested in transforming your next gathering into an extraordinary gathering, rich with EQ, contact Wizard Studios today!


