In 2020, the coronavirus put a pause on the way we know events to be but since then, it has also accelerated changes in the events industry that would have otherwise taken years to catch on. While our world is ready to get to the post-COVID era, we know one thing for sure, events will never be the same. We expect the continuance of major shifts in the industry for years to come. The changes from 2020 and 2021 resulted in virtual and hybrid events, further impacting the event industry as we know it. As we look towards 2022, our team at Wizard Studios is excited to see where the event industry advances. 

Keep reading to check out our list of Event Industry Trends for 2022!

  • Hybrid Events Stay Strong

When the pandemic hit our globe in March 2020, the events industry had to pivot to strictly virtual events. In 2021, vaccines were started to be given out and our world slowly opened back up, but with limitations. Event planners and organizers had to get creative and find new ways to engage in-person guests in addition to those not yet comfortable leaving their homes. Here enters hybrid events! A hybrid event is one that uses technology to integrate both in-person and virtual attendees. Hybrid events allow for the flexibility and reach of a virtual event, but the connection and engagement of an in-person option- truly the best of both worlds! With multiple hybrid events being practiced, many different configurations of hybrid event offerings are still being discovered, and most likely will continue to for the next 2-3 years. However, the advantages to hybrid events are clear and the opportunities endless!


  • The Continued Emphasis on Safety

Since the outbreak of the coronavirus, the topic of safety has been a common concern across the board and we predict it will continue to be prominent throughout 2022, including in the event sector. Many event planners and hosts say they will require proof of COVID vaccination and/or proof COVID negative testing to attend events. Digital screening upon arrival and rapid on-site testing is also to be anticipated when entering events. We expect to continue to see these pre-screening requirements, socially-distanced arrangements, advanced air-filtration systems, specialized cleaning crews, and mask mandates in the upcoming year. This is all to ensure the health and well-being of both the guests and the event staff. Giving attendees the choice in how they wish to attend an event, will give them the comfort and license to exercise their safety preferences.


  • Technology-Enhanced Interaction

We live in a world of revolving and innovative technology. We understand more than ever that digital experiences can provide strong data about attendees to event owners. This data can help event planners meet the rapidly changing consumer expectations. The use of mobile apps can bring together audiences, regardless of the event format. Virtual attendees can engage with in-person guests, participate in gamification, and network all through the touch of their phones. Even if some technology is lagging far behind the demand, it's going to catch up. While many businesses struggled during the pandemic, there’s a brief list that thrived and are highly sought out by investors. Event tech is on that list! 


  • Micro Events Become A Staple

According to Statistica, the average event attendance for a meeting or conference was 4,932 people prior to COVID. In 2020, we saw that number drop exponentially. Scaled-back events took center stage: Micro events, pod meetups, and quaran-teams all describe the changing event space. Event professionals often refer to micro events when they talk about hosting one specific part of an event only. So instead of organizing a full-day conference, a micro event would only focus on a segment of the usual event format. These micro events are also organized for small groups, as the CDC still recommends that large gatherings be avoided. While these events are kept more simple than grandiose, that doesn’t mean your micro event has to lose any of its character and charm. In fact, micro events may even provide a greater and more intimate experience for your attendees. 

  • Purposeful Events

In 2020, the disruption of the event industry called into question the purpose of events in society as a whole. Events have recently and will continue to shift away from a focus on content to the experience and purpose. For example, a corporate meeting might be less about the status of a company and more about personal connection. We will most likely continue to see this trend develop further into 2022. People are craving meaningful, transformative experiences to feel purpose and belonging, and our team at Wizard Studios is ready to continue shaping the future of events. 

The global pandemic called for rapid changes in the event industry. Since March of 2020, the industry has worked so hard to find its footing again and create new and innovative solutions to an ever changing industry. Like all of us, event planners are navigating this new normal and the year of 2022 will continue to be a year of trial, error, exploration, and growth. Preferences of attendees, hosts, and planners will continue to evolve as we learn more about the future’s event capabilities. And whether your event happens online, offline, or in a hybrid model, remaining flexible, prioritizing safety, and staying optimistic will ensure you a new year of wonderfully engaging and unique event experiences!


