Best Practices for Hybrid Events this Fall & Winter

Event organizers quickly pivoted to virtual events in 2020 and they are here to stay but with a hybrid spin! The hybrid event space provides countless opportunities for event professionals to expand their reach and create wonderful events both in-person and from the comfort of their guests’ homes, especially in the upcoming chilly fall and winter months. Do you want to learn some of the best practices to pull off a successful hybrid event this fall/winter season? Read on to learn more below!

  • Choose the right time for your event 

Producing a program for two separate audiences can be difficult, but you should aim to engage every guest in every location. When determining the times for your event, be mindful of the fact that your virtual attendees may be spread throughout the country, or even the world. If you find choosing the right time to be difficult, it can be helpful to include some pre-recorded elements to your event. With pre-recorded or on-demand materials, your presenters have much more flexibility and you can continue to engage your guests at home, while the live event might be on a different schedule.


  • Determine the size of your in-person audience

Even though our world is slowly opening up, you should continue to be mindful of the current social distancing regulations when researching event spaces. This may mean that you need to limit the size of your live audience, depending on your venue, of course. Remember- it’ll be chilly outside soon, so we encourage safe indoor venues! In any case, it is likely that your in-person crowd will be smaller than those you have typically hosted in the past.


  • Engage BOTH audiences

It is perhaps even more important to have engaging content at a hybrid event. Not only do you have to entertain your in-person guests, but your virtual ones too! Make sure that all your presenters and their materials are engaging for both groups. Help them understand that while they may only have one group in front of them, they’re still presenting to a second (and probably larger audience too!) Add extra rehearsals for your presenters if needed, to help ensure that the content is engaging and interesting for both audience groups.


  • PIck the right stage setup

We all know the setup for an event is crucial! You strive for an interesting and comfortable setting that has a nice flow and beautiful visuals. This gets a little trickier when including hybrid events. Because of social distancing, you might notice a slight lack of intimacy in the crowd. We know just what you can do to help that. Set your stage in a thrust (audiences can reach three of the four sides of the stage.) This will bring your in-person guests closer to the action, while giving them more space to spread out amongst one-another. A thrust stage also invites extra camera angles, which can give your virtual attendees the opportunity to feel more connected and see more of the presentation.

Don’t let the cold weather or Covid-19 stop you from churning out incredible events! Explore the world of hybrid events this fall/winter season with these considerations. We know they will make your event more exciting and engaging for your audiences both in-person and virtually. If you’re still unsure how to execute a successful hybrid event this fall/winter, or just need an extra hand, contact our experts at Wizard Studios


