Our world was quick to pivot online when the pandemic hit: work went online, schooling went online, recreational activities went online, and the event industry as a whole went online. What we didn’t quite anticipate was how much of our lives would be dictated by our time staring at screens - and the inevitable screen fatigue that would come with it.

Luckily, the events industry is well-known for its adaptive nature, and event producers are starting to capitalize on trends in audio to offer attendees a break from the screen and an exciting new way to engage. Read on to see how our industry is utilizing sound to transform the way we see - and hear - events. 

Artificial Intelligence and the Rise of the Voice

Did you know that, in 2016, 20% of searches on Google were voice searches? That number has likely only grown over the past year, since consumers have been forced to do all of their work, shopping, and socializing online. The general public is experiencing AI and voice technology in an increasing number of virtual spaces, and if you’re not leveraging this for your events, you’re missing out on an important step forward in the industry. 

Leverage Voice for Engagement

Start by ensuring your voice technology allows attendees to get the answers they need to simple questions, such as “where is the breakout room for X” or “when does my next session start?” From there, consider all the if/then scenarios that could be mapped to customize the event experience for each attendee. If the question asked is, “Where is the breakout room for X,” program your voice tech to ask if the attendee would like to book some one-on-one time with the speaker after the event, or learn more about their product from a vendor. These small changes can dramatically affect how consumers interact with a brand and increase their awareness and engagement with it. 

Additionally, consider how your voice tech could read badges with your voice assistant or chatbot so it has all of the crucial information that the attendee would need as they explore the conference, trade show, or event. By making this information even more accessible, you are skyrocketing the chances that each consumer feels that there’s more to explore, learn, and engage with. 

Engagement in Different Languages Increases Your Reach

One of the major silver linings of having events exist in the virtual world is that your event’s reach is practically unlimited. Instead of having to worry about hotel accommodations, airfare, and guest list, virtual events - with the right event tech on its side - can accommodate for a colossal increase in participants, especially from attendees all over the world.

That being said, are you ensuring your event is accessible to attendees who speak languages other than English? Offering content in various languages is a go-to win for event producers, but think about how voice tech could help with this. Artificial Intelligence interpretation could take voices in real time and offer translated closed captioning for live-streamed speakers or presenters to invite international attendees to access the content from anywhere. Just think of the markets you could open up for your business, simply by ensuring the voice tech was top-notch! 

Audio-Only Events

 This may sound jarring at first to the event professionals that are so accustomed to thinking about events in regards to visual spectacle, but what about attendees who simply need a break from the screens? Let’s talk about the audio-only event.

In this regard, accessibility and portability are the keys that make this a successful endeavor. Not only are you removing an expectation that attendees have to be present in a physical way, you’re also allowing them to balance this event with other aspects of their life. Unlike the multitasking that makes attendees feel overwhelmed by virtual events, participants can be making a meal, driving, or even going for a walk while listening in. It offers a peace of mind and a flexibility that encourages them to experience the world around them while also staying tuned in to the exciting aspects of your event.

Moreover, with the explosion of podcasts over the past decade, generations of listeners enjoy how audio sparks a particular visual experience for them (and we have brain research to back this up!). That being said, could your event be turned into a podcast that listeners can listen to again or share with colleagues or friends? Removing the visual element of an event doesn’t have to feel like something is lost. If anything, it offers options to show how we can engage with our attendees in a brand, new way.  

This pandemic may have caused our industry to pause, but it allowed us to reflect on what was working and what we can do better. Don’t limit yourself what events “should” be - there’s a world of possibility just waiting to be explored. If you think voice tech or audio-only events could be perfect for your next gathering, be sure to contact the live-streaming and sound editing pros at Wizard Studios today!


