Incorporating more diversity in your event vendor base is crucial for business and social responsibility. A diverse vendor is a business that is majority owned and operated by an individual or group that is part of a traditionally under-represented group. Working with women-owned, minority-owned, veteran-owned and other diverse businesses can harvest significant benefits for not only your own company, but the industry at large. Let choosing diverse vendors be a part of your organization’s efforts to exemplify high ethical and moral standards. Inclusivity within event vendors improves society because it generates economic opportunities for disadvantaged communities. While the benefits are clear, you might not know where to start sourcing diverse event vendors. Wizard Studios is here to help with these 4 tips:


  • Partner with Diverse Certified Organizations

There is a large list of organizations that promote and certify diverse vendors. For example, reaching out to the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce might be a great place to start when looking for a LGBTQ+ caterer or contact the United States Hispace Chamber of Commerce for a list your local Hispanic-owned businesses. These umbrella organizations are a great resource to find potential event vendors. They are often in close contact with their diverse suppliers and offer assistance, information, and even certifications so they could very well point you to some wonderful options. These organizations are also incredibly resourceful, because they offer opportunities where you can market your event or product to potential suppliers at industry workshops and conferences.


  • Support Local

While the maga companies are shelling out billions of dollars in annual diversity spending, you can find your own way of supporting on the scale your company is at. Your event needs can be taken care of by local diverse vendors who will work diligently to provide excellent food, florals, art… you name it! Publicize your diverse event vendor needs through local efforts. Reach out to your own community’s chamber of commerce and local businesses for diverse owned businesses to partner with your organization.

Leverage social media by collaborating and sharing your experiences with local vendor companies. This will not only grow your reach of customers and followers, but also increase brand awareness.


  • Expand Your Network

Once you get out there and put in the effort to support diverse event vendors, your network will begin to grow and expand. It will become easier to reconnect with these vendors time and time again. If they enjoy working with your business, they might even share their extended connections, leading you to new and different vendors that you might not have been exposed to earlier. The momentum will increase as you work with more women-owned, minority-owned, veteran-owned and other diverse businesses and your business is bound to reap the benefits.

  • Value Diversity Within Your Own Company

In order to support diverse event vendors, you’ll need to do more than just hiring external companies. While seeking out diverse vendors is an external practice, it's important for your business to value and exemplify diversity and inclusion. To ensure success, the commitment to vendor diversity must be present in your own company. There is no better way to start embodying diversity in the event industry than from the inside out. The more diverse and multicultural your team, the better for your company, your events, and your audiences. Highlighting inclusivity on your own team at a genuine level, helps you understand unique and important perspectives from the multiple voices of different backgrounds and experiences. This will only help your organization expand its reach and growth in humanity. Consider appointing someone as an Event Inclusivity/Diversity Coordinator to ensure all internal and external practices embody the sense of inclusion that your company is aiming for.

In the end, all of our current efforts to build diversity in the event industry are really just the start of it all. If you follow these 4 methods, your business will increase its event vendor diversity and be opened up to new markets and new perspectives, among other benefits. Inclusivity is at the core of Wizard Studios, as we’ve been creating solutions that inspire and engage with humanity at the center. If you’re interested in transforming your next event into an extraordinary gathering, rich with opportunities to support diverse event vendors, be sure to contact Wizard Studios today!


