Wizard Studios

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Qualify event production companies have a knack for finding solutions in any circumstance imaginable. From creating giant outdoor festivals hosting hundreds in the middle of the empty field, to creating micro-experiences for a party of 5, creating indelible experiences of any size is a bit of Wizard Studios’ speciality. 

But as businesses begin to open up and the in-person economy starts to come back, how can something like vacant commercial spaces be utilized to seize this time of revitalization? We asked our very own Jon Girson, Executive Producer at Wizard Studios, to show us how the best in the business can create extraordinary events out of, literally, thin air! 


  • What Exactly Can Wizard Studios do for a Commercial Real Estate Company? 

The short answer? More than you think! And it’s not just the amount of things Wizard Studios can offer to a commercial real estate company - it’s the years of experience they can offer with it that makes their work second-to-none. “We have hands-on experience building pop-ups and understand one of the key elements is not just designing the space, but making sure it can be installed and broken down, quickly and easily,” Girson says. And after noting the booming comeback of in-person business in the first half of 2021, the team at Wizard Studios quickly realized that “pursuing commercial real estate accounts which may need assistance upgrading a vacant space or making the space seem more appealing appeared to be a viable transition.” And he’s being proved right day in and day out.

And it’s just not upgrading a vacant space or custom fabrication that Wizard Studios can supply. It’s truly everything. “We can prepare space for rent (including staging), install A/V or upgrade existing infrastructure, provide on-site A/V teams, design and create fabrications within a space, and manage the event space and empty raw spaces.” Needless to say, Wizard Studios is quicking becoming a commercial real estate’s one-stop-shop. 


  • Where Has Wizard Studios Worked to Create These Kinds of Events?

“Wizard Studios already has a long roster of accounts which we have completed fabrication projects for,” Girson says proudly. “We have already done extensive work for high-end clientele of the Rainbow Room, The Russian Tea Room, and Tavern on The Green,” he recalls. “We’ve helped them create magical experiences in their restaurants.”

But it doesn’t end there, Girson tells us. “We have also partnered with leading Commercial Real Estate agencies including Silverstein Properties, Tishman Speyer, and Vornado, upgrading their spaces as well.” 


  • So, What Makes Wizard Studios Stand Out?

“Open and fearless communication between coworkers and clients,” Girson tells us. And that’s not just an expression used lightly at Wizard Studios. It’s one of their core values, and something, Girson says, he and his team embody every day. 

“Sometimes, when taking on a commercial real estate project, we are doing so without previously given access to complete floor plans or access behind wall panels. We need to build trust with the customers to let them know that in order to make the best recommendations, we need the most access available.” And he’s exactly right: recently named one of the best event production companies in New York City, Wizard Studios continues to be celebrated for its creative design, event execution, and relationship-building. It seems there’s nothing this organization can’t do! 

Experienced, resourceful, and hungry to bring back events in full-swing, Girson and his team showcase every day how event production companies can do anything their clients ask of them. In the aftermath of COVID, Girson’s job has taken on a new dimension of problem-solving, but he has not faltered in creating innovative solutions for both his clients and attendees, and he looks forward to an exciting 2021 for events everywhere.

If you’re looking to leverage Girson and his team’s expertise and wisdom to reinvent your commercial real estate space, contact Wizard Studios today!