Wizard Studios

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Spring's in full bloom and summer’s right around the corner. For event professionals, that typically means that outdoor event season is about to get busy! But with COVID still taking up headlines, those summer plans are somewhat in limbo. So, as outdoor events remain the apex of summer events, the question on everyone’s mind remains, “How do we make them happen now?” We asked our very own AJ Raposo, Project Manager at Wizard Studios and our expert of outdoor events, to show us how the best in the business plans on ensuring outdoor events have the comeback of a lifetime.


  • So, What Makes Someone an “Outdoor Events Pro?”

“Experience,” Raposo says. “Sometimes you have to see things go wrong before you can fully understand why certain things are necessary to go right.”

His answer makes a lot of sense when you consider how much is asked of project managers, especially those that work in outdoors events - and especially in light of COVID. Raposo accredits to his background for offering him the opportunity to gain that valuable experience - quite literally - day in and day out. “I was fortunate to work at an outdoor venue where I churned out 60-80 outdoor events between May and October year over year, with many that were back to back, with completely different setups.” And if that wasn’t impressive enough, Raposo shares that “in those days, it was common practice to work 80-100 hour work weeks, with on-site event days running about 16-18 hours long.” Seeing my jaw on the floor, he smiles humbly and, with a degree of dignity and resolution confirms his commitment to the work: “first in, last out.”


  • The Balance Between Outdoor and Indoor Events

“Any Project Manager at Wizard Studios is capable of producing both [outdoor and indoor events]—it’s what we do,” Raposo reminds us. But, in his experience, there is a unique difference: “Events that take place outdoors generally require extra care when considering infrastructure—what sort of power must be brought in, what equipment will stand up to the elements, what happens if there is a rain shower, where is the bathroom — you have to show up prepared for anything.”

Prepared for anything defines Raposo to a T. To get more insight, I asked him to speak more about the details of his work, and he was immediately able to rattle off all that his quick-firing brain must consider for each and every event he works on: “You have to be conscious of guest flow, where the amenities are, where are people congregating, what type of experience do you want the guests to have, the list goes on. Think about being a guest at the event—where can I buy food, where can I get a drink, where are the bathrooms, where is the main stage, where is the nearest exit—think about lines, think about sight lines, think about how you would feel if you were standing in this one location on the site map—what can I see, what do I have access to, how do I get from point A to point B, and then C and D?” His deeply human response, putting himself in the shoes of each attendee, offers all of us insight into how good Raposo is at his job - and just how much is asked of Project Managers, especially as we work to find solutions in an outdoor/post-COVID world. 


  • What’s the Outdoor Solution in 2021?

It’s a simple question, but not a simple response. Obviously, there is no one solution that will solve all of these cumbersome problems, but there are pathways forward, Raposo reminds us. “We follow all of the state and local guidelines when it comes to any sort of gathering, indoors or out,” he says meaningfully. “Our leadership has set a goal of full employee vaccination by late June; a goal we are most likely going to achieve by the end of May. It’s important that we all follow the state and local guidelines to get back to where we were a year and change ago.” 


He says that the future is a mix of event professionals doing their job and the public doing their job to create a truly harmonious future for all. “Everyone has their part in progress,” he says. “Here at Wizard, we are capable of providing any infrastructure needed for a safe outdoor event, from hand sanitizing stations to social distancing markers. It’s important to have these discussions with clients and venues alike, to ensure that everyone feels safe without sacrificing the guest experience too much.”


  • With That in Mind, Where Do We Go From Here?

“Follow the rules,” Raposo says. “My biggest worry is that people will get too excited— by the weather or by attending an event—that they will disregard the rules.” He reminds us, “we’re all in it together; we always have been. Listen to the science, keep your distance, get vaccinated, and stay informed.” He takes a second to reflect, and then concludes our interview with a single thought: “The sooner we do those things, the sooner we will be looking in the rearview mirror thinking, ‘I’m glad that’s over.’”

Mindful, diligent, and observant, Raposo showcases just how capable and thorough Project Managers need to be to execute extraordinary events while celebrating the humanity in every event. In the aftermath of COVID, Raposo’s job has taken on a new dimension of problem-solving, but he has not faltered in creating innovative solutions for both his clients and attendees and looks forward to an exciting summer for all.

If you’re looking to leverage Raposo’s expertise and wisdom, contact Wizard Studios today to help you create the outdoor event of a lifetime!