Wizard Studios

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Event producers have a lot to think about when creating spectacular events, be it in-person, virtual, or a hybrid of the two. Almost like magic, event planners and producers can take the literal nuts and bolts of stages, custom fabrications, lighting, and sound (or virtual event technology and online audiences), and create a cultivated experience that touches the heart and moves the soul. Everything comes together perfectly, audiences are left in awe, and attendees leave filled to the brim with inspiration.

But have you thought about your event’s, and your audience’s, emotional intelligence? Even though our world feels like it’s finally seeing the finish line to COVID, people everywhere might never see large-scale gatherings the same way. There’s an emotional awareness that we all now have as we feel more vulnerable to the unknown and a sensitivity to “what if this happens again?”

Event producers need to keep this in mind as they plan their future events. Luckily, Wizard Studios has created our list of how to ensure your event’s EQ is at its best, ensuring that audiences everywhere experience the kind of joy we’re all more in need of than ever! 


  • Why You Need to be Thinking About Event EQ

Odds are, you’re very familiar with EQ in one way or another. Most of us know the benefits of mindfulness and striking a healthy work-life balance; we know that CSR (corporate social responsibility) is not only good for our audiences but good for the world; and after the trying year we’ve had, we know the importance of wellness and gratitude.

So if we know this, why are we not working hard to embed this into every event we create? These ideas are not new, but they certainly feel like they are ripe for a renewal. Yes, we’ve all spoken about them during New Year’s, but event producers are catching on that this is what an increasing number of audience members are hungry for. So, if it’s something almost everybody on your invite list is working on in their personal lives, rest assured they’re going to appreciate it if your event helped them further that goal. 


  • Encourage More Movement 

Sitting has an increasingly bad reputation because of the bad health consequences that are associated with it. Not only is it bad for our mental health to sit for long periods of time, but studies continue to show that sustained sitting increases your risk of chronic health problems, such as heart disease, diabetes and some cancers (yikes!). 

Needless to say, any event - in-person or virtual - would benefit from periodic breaks to stand, stretch, and realign the body. If you’re in-person, think of ways to encourage more movement around the event area, possibly by going outside to get some fresh air or by including a fun break and activity to focus on something different but aligned to the larger event. Attendees will free refreshed, both physically and mentally, and be able to lean in for the next chapter of your event. 


  • Give Your Audience the Space!

If audiences have the space to learn something new, practice a new skill, or explore, they will take advantage of it! Yes, there will always be a breakout room for another speaker or engagement, but have you considered having a creativity breakout room? How about a Wellness Room that could simply offer deep breathing exercises or a 5 or 10 minute guided meditation?  

Committing even a single room to something that allows your audience to find perspective in their day will never go unnoticed. See if you can offer this to your employees as well, and see which breakout rooms are used most often. This feedback could give you important insight about what your audience really cares about!


  • CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) at Your Core

Corporate Social Responsibility is not a new phenomenon in the world of events, but our current world has sparked and resurgence, and for good reason. This doesn’t simply mean charitable giving (although it certainly can!); this means ensuring that your event’s planning, execution, and aftermath are all better for your attendees, your employees, and the world at large. Here are a few great strategies to prioritize your event’s CSR:

  • Source Food Locally: People tend to define “local” differently, but what it comes down to is sourcing food within a 100-400 mile radius of your event’s location. Doing so supports local businesses and farms, but also ensures that less fossil fuels are being created due to food travel. Win-win for your audiences, the community, and the environment.

  • Hire Diverse Vendors: Even in a post-COVID world, event planners know that there are so many jobs that must be done in order for an event to be a success: florists, chefs, entertainers, speakers, AV crews, etc.). Commit to building new bridges and hiring people of color, women, those that identify as LBGTQ+, or other marginalized groups. If you are lucky enough to be in business after this pandemic, do some good in the world and help others who could benefit from building their business up. 

  • Community Service Embedded Into Your Event: Networking is important, but instead of a happy hour, what if your attendees got to know one another through a community service event? In-person, these events may seem more possible through volunteer work, but there’s plenty of work to be done in the virtual world as well. Earn a heartfelt reputation with your audience while also encouraging them to do work that betters the community. 

The future of events is rich with opportunities to grow and better ourselves as people and as organizations. Emotional Intelligence is at the core of Wizard Studios, as we’ve been creating solutions that inspire and engage with people at the center. If you’re interested in transforming your next gathering into an extraordinary gathering, rich with EQ, contact Wizard Studios today!