Wizard Studios

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What distinguishes a memorable event from a lackluster one? One strategy that is increasingly on the rise is storytelling. The reason why events that tell a story stand out so prominently in the minds of their guests, while others fade into oblivion, is largely a matter of human nature. There is the crucial link between stories and memory. Over time, evolution has gifted us with the ability to remember stories much more clearly than fragmented bits of information. 

If the longevity of your event is a priority for your brand, it is essential to share a unique and compelling story. This should be all encompassing: from the background music, to catering, to the visuals of your event. You should prioritize unadulterated cohesion from start to finish. Just like authors, make sure your story has a beginning, middle, and end, with some unexpected twists and turns along the way. How can you make this happen? There are a few simple strategies that you can employ to craft a story that works for your brand.


  • Start At the Very Beginning

Where did it all begin? Was your company’s conception based on the spark of an idea? Where were they when that spark happened? Was it an accident? That’s your story. Tell it exactly as it happened. People are more interested when they hear the honest truth. Maybe there will be customers who can relate to the same situation or have experienced the same feelings. That similarity or connection is what is going to draw your consumers in. 

This is where visuals come into play at your event. Today’s consumers are bombarded with desensitizing visuals, as the average Instagram user spends less than a second on each photo while they mindlessly scroll. Give your audience the visuals that will draw them in and leave a positive impression. From décor to compelling videos, it is important to be creative while sharing your business’s story.


  • Share Your Story

Share your story with everyone, everywhere. Repetition and recognition are crucial when it comes to creating and sharing a story that you want your guests to remember. Your story is your brand, and your brand elements are the tools that will convey your story to the world. Be consistent. The best and only way to build your brand is by telling your story the same way each and every time. That being said, your customers want to do business with companies they trust, so it’s so important that your story is honest and genuine. What details you share and how you frame them is your story. Being vulnerable and intimate with your audience will make them feel more connected to your business.

What can help you share your story with the world more than the powerful tool of social media? The reach on social media is far beyond what you can ever imagine and is so powerful. These tools are crucial to increasing the legacy of your event. Capture audience and participant interviews during the event, and share them over a length of time afterwards. This provides a constant reminder to your audience of the effect that your story had on your guests and creates further desire for connection between consumers and your brand. Social media influencers make especially exceptional storytellers. Partner with one or more to help share your story with an even wider digital audience. If social media followers see their favorite influencers at your event, they will be encouraged to explore your company. This simply creates a whirlwind of momentum that all stems from connecting your brand to your story.

The first chapter of any story is by far its most important; it sets the tone for the entire tale. Make sure your story gets started on the right page with the help of a trusted expert in event planning and production. Contact Wizard Studios today!