Wizard Studios

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Finding the perfect theme for your event can seem like a pretty daunting task. Creating a lasting impression that wows your audience can feel like even more pressure. At Wizard Studios, we believe that almost any event can pull off a theme that is both appropriate and impressive. With the right strategy, your event will challenge the notion that themes are silly or lame. We’ve compiled our top 5 tips for choosing an event theme that will stand out from the crowd and impress your audience with an unforgettable experience. Before you choose your theme, you should have clear goals for your event, who is your target audience, and what you want your guests to take away from the occasion. Keep reading to learn how to choose the perfect theme!


  • Core Values

 We suggest beginning by focusing on the core values of your business or organization. What taglines or keywords do you hope your audience will associate with your brand? Creative, innovative, philanthropic, fun? Whichever value you choose should be the path that guides all decisions in regard to your event. For example, if your brand values creativity, your event theme could be Cirque du Soleil. If you are a charitable organization hosting a fundraiser, choose a theme that aligns with your cause, such as encouraging your guests to wear pink for a breast cancer awareness event. Brainstorm with your team and get creative! Definitively identifying your core values will offer clarity in all other aspects to help you build the perfect theme. 


  • Type of Event

The type of event plays an important role in choosing the perfect theme. In addition to your event’s core value, consider your target audience and the mission of your gathering. If your event is meant to inspire and motivate women business owners, then you need to think about what kind of theme will work. It’s likely that the theme will look very different than an event for a product launch of a new sneaker. Will you have 30 attendees or 1,000? This will help you consider not only where to host your event, but how involved your theme will be throughout the space. Remember, sometimes less is more! Whether you want to make it a grand event or something simple, highlighting the theme, even if subtle, will be enough to wow your guests. It all depends on your preference and budget!


  • Colors and Lighting

The colors and lighting you use for your event can have a great impact on the emotions your audience feels. Think about the kind of emotion you want your event to evoke in your guests. Colors, such as blues and purples, create a feeling of novelty and professionalism, whereas warm bright colors, like oranges, pinks, or reds, can create a sense of energy and power. Lighting is just as important to consider as colors. If your lighting is too bright, you risk making the venue feel cold and uninviting. If it’s too dark, your guests will have a hard time engaging with one another. Wizard Studios is well equipped with the highest quality lighting and experts that can help you create the perfect ambiance for your event.


  • Interactive

Bring your audience into the event, not just as observers, but as active participants. For an event theme centered around creativity, we’ve seen blank canvases for guests to paint, draw, and write messages. Depending on your theme, you can surprise your guests with an impressive light show or a musical performance. Giving your guests an outlet to contribute to the theme will leave a more lasting and positive impression of your brand. 


  • Consistency

Once you have established your theme, you can begin to work it into all the other components of your event. Let your theme guide you to select the venue, caterer, florist, and any other vendors you choose to collaborate with. Our team at Wizard Studios is here to help you organize and brainstorm all these facets. For a theme to be truly remarkable, it must be all-encompassing and consistent throughout the event experience. It is crucial that your theme is appropriately aligned with four pillars: setting, decor, food, and beverages. You want to work the message throughout and let it ‘speak’ to your attendees.

Pro tip: Let it all start with your invitations. Using the same theme on your invitations, as a little teaser to the party, is a great way to create buzz around your event and get your guests excited to go! 

Having a theme for your event can help in so many ways to capture your message, as well as create an unforgettable experience. When it’s time to start planning your themed event, use our top 5 tips as a guide, or enlist the help of the event professionals at Wizard Studios. Working with our experts makes all the difference, so let’s get started on your spectacular themed event today!